Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life in Los Roques

The life in Los Roques it´s a really relaxing life.
Here you can enjoy of the different activities, trips and beaches were you can enjoy yourself in a free, relaxing and enjoyment way.
Also there are a lot of places were you go and find very interesting things like old boats, rare archipelagos and enjoy of the sea animals.
If you have a boat you can stay there while visiting all the islands of Los Roques. And if you are a fan of water sports this is a great place for you.

Weather and sailing conditions

The weather in Los Roques it´s great. Always tropical and perfect for the enjoyment of your stay, it is very rare and unusual to find rains on these islands.
Also really good to just relax and do what you most like while having a pleseant weather.
For the sailing condition it´s great if you have a boat, but if you don´t there are many places were you can rent one. Many kind of boats for different taste´s.
The weather and the beauty of these Islands are some of the reasons why they are known as one the best beaches in South and Central America.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Resorts in Los Roques

There are many different resorts in Los Roques but one of the most known it is called "Villa El Pelicano" the resorts it is on the main island called Gran Roque.
Although these resort it´s not big it is very pleasant and comfortable for the tourist to have a nice stay.

Other of the best options about the resort are to rent a yat or catamarans for you to enjoy even more of the crystal waters, white sands and sea creatures like different schools of fish, you can even find whales in the most deepest waters.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Popular activities in Los Roques

Some of the most popular activities in Los Roques are:
  • Fishing
  • Kite-surfing
  • Windsurfing
  • Diving
  • Snorkeling

These activities are the most popular beacouse of the great weather and conditions that the beaches, archipelagos, and different species of sea animal that you can see in these beautiful waters.

About Los Roques

Los Roques islands are a federal dependency of Venezuela, there are 350 islands, cays or islets.

These islands are ubicated at 80 miles north of La Guaira, Venezuela

Los Roques it is one of the National Parks and beautiful places of Venezuela. It receives approximately 70.000 visitor per year. These visitor come from all over the world.

Los Roques are mostly kwnoned becouse of the beautiful beaches, archipelagos, crystal waters, white sands and different kind of fishes.